Vacation Rentals in Sunset Beach (NC)

Vacation Rentals in Sunset Beach (NC)

Start comparing over 390 rentals in Sunset Beach (NC) and book at the best price!

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Prices and availability

Current Vacation rental prices Sunset Beach (NC)

$403for 29 Mar - 5 Apr
$358 annual average
Average price per week

Current vacation rental availability Sunset Beach (NC)

26%for 29 Mar - 5 Apr
49% annual average
Percentage of available rentals

FAQs: Vacation Rentals in Sunset Beach (NC)

What was the average price for a vacation rental in Sunset Beach last year?

Last year, rentals in Sunset Beach had an annual average cost of around $226 per night.

When are vacation rentals cheaper in Sunset Beach?

Those who want to save as much as possible travel to Sunset Beach in January, December, or March, which are the months that offer the most discount, with average prices of $195, $195, and $203 per night, respectively, based on the previous year.

In which months is it more expensive to rent a vacation rental in Sunset Beach?

When booking a vacation rental in Sunset Beach, the highest prices are found in the month of August (with an average of $279 per night), followed by July ($270), and then November ($246).

Should I plan a trip to Sunset Beach well in advance?

So you don't run out of accommodation options in Sunset Beach, it is necessary to be proactive as 82% of rentals are usually booked, according to the data from last year.

Which months offer the highest availability?

February, December and January are, in order of highest to lowest, the months that have the largest number of accommodations free, with an average availability of 42%, 31%, and 29%. However, even during these months, when rental availability is the highest, the average is only 34%. So we highly recommend you always book a little in advance to make sure you get the rental of your dreams.

How many vacation rentals does Holidu have in Sunset Beach?

In Sunset Beach we offer you an extensive catalog of approximately 270 properties, with options to suit everyone, thanks to our 2 local and international providers.