Vacation Rentals in Midvale (UT)
Start comparing over 33 rentals in Midvale (UT) and book at the best price!
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FAQs: Vacation Rentals in Midvale (UT)
How much did it cost for a vacation rental in Midvale last year?
Our data shows that Midvale had an average price of $343 per night, a relatively high one compared to the cities in the USA.
During which months are vacation rentals cheaper in Midvale?
Those who want to be budget-friendly should visit Midvale in February, November, or October, the cheapest months of the year, with average prices of $251, $283, and $287 per night, respectively, based on the previous year.
During which months are vacation rentals more expensive in Midvale?
When it comes to looking for a vacation rental in Midvale, the months when you will pay the most are, in order of highest to lowest, January, December and May, with average prices per night of $593, $410, and $383, respectively.
Are there usually many vacation rentals available in Midvale?
If you decide to put Midvale on your bucket list, we suggest planning your vacation long before you go because it is usually very high in demand, with an annual average of 88% of rentals booked the previous year.
When are more vacation rentals available?
The months that offer the most accommodation options are, on average, November (with an availability of 31%), April (30%), and October (24%), according to the trends observed in the prior year.
How many vacation rentals are there in Midvale?
Our catalog features approximately 40 vacation rentals from 2 partners, giving you plenty of choices when searching for your next dream vacation rental!
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