Vacation Rentals in Iowa City

Vacation Rentals in Iowa City

Start comparing over 13 rentals in Iowa City and book at the best price!

Find Vacation Rentals in Iowa City

Highlights Iowa City

  • City rentals
  • Destination in Iowa
  • Historical landmarks
  • Nature trails
  • Recreational activities
  • Family destination

Prices and availability

Current Vacation rental prices in Iowa City

$428for 28 Sep - 5 Oct
$437 annual average
Average price per week

Current vacation rental availability in Iowa City

60%for 28 Sep - 5 Oct
33% annual average
Percentage of available rentals

Vacation rentals in Iowa City

Stunning destination in Iowa City

Organize your next vacation to the stunning destination of Iowa City. You will be able to find this city located in the Johnson County of Iowa, United States of America. This popular destination is known to be the home of the University of Iowa and other cultural centers. With a population of 74,828 inhabitants this is the ideal place for you if you want to visit a semi-big city while in Iowa. From historical landmarks to recreational activities, you will be able to find plenty of things to do while visiting Iowa City.

Vacation rentals in Iowa City

There are numerous splendid rental properties you can choose from for your stay in Iowa City. You will be able to find accommodations situated closer to the city center, as well as others situated in the natural landscape. Imagine waking up in the morning and going for breakfast in the café right across your rental property. Invite friends over for a big lunch in your dining room. Spend your evening playing board games with the family in front of the fireplace in your living room. These are a few of the opportunities waiting for you with an accommodation in Iowa City.

Vacations in Iowa City

The area and getting around

How to get to Iowa City

Making your journey to Iowa City will be quite simple. If you choose to drive to your destination, you can reach Iowa City with the I-80 from the Chicago and Des Moines side or I-380 from the Cedar Rapids and Waterloo side. You can also find plenty of buses with routes to Iowa City, such as as the 380 Express and the Burlington Trailways regional buses, as well as the Megabus private buses. If you wish to fly to Iowa City, the closest airport will be the Eastern Iowa Airport which provides commercial flights for domestic flights.

Where to eat in Iowa City

This big Iowa city will satisfy your appetite with the amount of restaurants you can choose from during your visit. Check out Short’s Burger and Shine for a casual lunch. This eatery will serve you a menu which includes 20 differently topped corn-fed black Angus beef burgers, 12 chicken sandwiches, and five varieties of vegetarian bean burger. On the other hand, if you want to try a more upscale restaurant, visit the Atlas World Grill. With a popular sidewalk patio, this elegant restaurant offers its visitors a fully stocked wine cellar, as well as gourmet mac and cheese, chicken burritos, and seasonal specials.

Travelers and activities

Outdoor activities in Iowa City

While visiting Iowa City you will be able to find plenty of activities to enjoy the great outdoors. Check out the popular Coralville Reservoir, which is locally known as "the Res," for a fun place to explore the outdoors. Here you can enjoy lake activities such as boating, fishing, and swimming at the designated beaches. On the other hand, you will also be able to find nature trails in the surroundings of the reservoir for hiking, mountain biking, and a forested shoreline to play disc golf.

Family friendly activities in Iowa City

Make your trip to Iowa City a family vacation and enjoy these activities all together. If you have younger kids, go to The Power of Play. This Children´s Museum will allow your kids to inspire their imagination and creativity through the use of hands-on exhibitions and interactive games. On the other hand, you can always visit the Athletics Hall of Fame. Located in the University of Iowa, here you will have the chance to learn about all the famous athletes that walked through the halls and played in the fields of this university.

Did you know that in 2008, Iowa City became the world's third United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) City of Literature?

Top 5 travel tips for Iowa City

1. Backpocket Brewing

Try out the local brew. Here you will find a brewery that takes its origins from the Old Man River Brewing Company in McGregor. The brewmaster has a background in microbiology and he will let you taste a whole variety of beer selections.

2. Museum of Natural History

Learn about the science and history of nature. This museum has been operating for 150 years and it provides regular exhibitions, research collections, and special programs. The permanent exhibits include the Mammal Hall, the Hageboeck Hall of Birds, the Diversity of Life and the Biosphere Discovery Hub.

3. University of Iowa

Visit the local university. This stunning University was founded in 1847 and today is part of the Big Ten universities. You will find plenty of activities in this institution, including the Writers Workshop which helped the city become a UNESCO City of Literature.

4. Hawkeye Football Game

Cheer on the local team. On a Saturday night during football season, head on over to the iconic Kinnick Stadium to support the university team and feel the fantastic atmosphere of a college town game day.

5. Old Capitol

Stroll through history. This landmark has been up since the mid 1800s. Here you can tour the Old Capitol and admire the centerpiece, the Pentacrest.

FAQs: Vacation Rentals in Iowa City

On average, what was the cost for vacation rentals in Iowa City last year?

Based on last year, Iowa City had an average price of $211 per night, a relatively high one for a city in the USA.

When are vacation rentals cheaper in Iowa City?

After analyzing our data from last year, the months that hurt your pocket the least in Iowa City are January, September and August, with average prices of $142, $150, and $160, respectively.

When does the price of vacation rentals in Iowa City go up the most?

When it comes to looking for a vacation rental in Iowa City, the months that cost the most are, in order of highest to lowest, March, June and July, with average prices per night of $303, $285, and $261, respectively.

Is it necessary to plan a trip to Iowa City well in advance?

When going on vacation to Iowa City, we recommend you to plan ahead as 76% of rentals are usually booked, according to last year's data.

When are more vacation rentals available?

The months when it's easiest to find free accommodation in Iowa City are September (the average amount of properties that are free reached 50% of the total last year), April (48%), and October (43%).

Are there many rentals in Iowa City?

Holidu has around 50 properties in Iowa City, provided by 2 different partners.