Vacation Rentals in Dayton

Vacation Rentals in Dayton

Start comparing over 64 rentals in Dayton and book at the best price!

Find Vacation Rentals in Dayton

Prices and availability

Current Vacation rental prices Dayton

$204for 12 Oct - 19 Oct
$190 annual average
Average price per week

Current vacation rental availability Dayton

33%for 12 Oct - 19 Oct
64% annual average
Percentage of available rentals

FAQs: Vacation Rentals in Dayton

How much did it cost for a vacation rental in Dayton last year?

Dayton is one of the cheapest cities in the USA. The costs for a vacation rental here amount to around $188 per night.

Which months allow you to save the most on vacation rentals?

]If you are looking to get the most out of your money, the most affordable months to visit Dayton are September ($174 the average per night for accommodation), May ($176), and March ($178).

During which months are vacation rentals more expensive in Dayton?

Analyzing the data from last year, we found that costs per night for accommodation here are usually higher, on average, during the months of July ($211), December ($198), and August ($192).

Are there usually many vacation rentals available in Dayton?

If you decide to put Dayton on your bucket list, we recommend organizing your visit well in advance because it tends to be very high in demand, with an annual average of 85% of rentals booked the previous year.

What are the best months for a spontaneous getaway?

Last year, the months with the largest number of available properties of the year in Dayton were January, October and November, with average availabilities of 42%, 37%, and 22%, respectively.

How many vacation rentals does Holidu have in Dayton?

Our catalog features approximately 60 vacation rentals from 2 partners, giving you plenty of choices when searching for your next dream vacation rental!