Vacation Rentals in Bonita Springs

Vacation Rentals in Bonita Springs

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Find Vacation Rentals in Bonita Springs

Highlights Bonita Springs

  • West Coast of Florida
  • Gulf of Mexico
  • Dreamlike beaches
  • Barefoot Beach Reserve

Other holiday ideas and property types in Bonita Springs that might be interesting

Prices and availability

Current Vacation rental prices Bonita Springs

$302for 14 Sep - 21 Sep
$407 annual average
Average price per week

Current vacation rental availability Bonita Springs

42%for 14 Sep - 21 Sep
38% annual average
Percentage of available rentals

Vacation rentals in Bonita Springs

Paradisiacal stay at idyllic coast

Nature reserves, dreamy islands, endless sandy beaches and well-kept golf courses line the urban area of Bonita Springs. The coastal town is an ideal destination for individual tourists who want to explore the southeast of the USA. Away from the busy holiday resorts, the city offers relaxing places and empty stretches of beach. Between two beaches you will find a luxurious vacation rental or a comfortable apartment on the offshore islands. Alternatively, you can live in a holiday apartment on the promenade, where you can reach restaurants, bars and shopping facilities within walking distance.

Holiday in Bonita Springs

Location and orientation

Holiday paradise in Lee County

About 200 kilometers west of Miami extends the resort on the west coast of the state of Florida. Bonita Spring is located between Fort Myers and Naples on the Gulf of Mexico. The small islands of Big Hickory Island and Bay`s Island in Estereo Bay belong to the metropolis of 44,000 inhabitants.

In 2017, Hurricane Irma caused damage worth USD 16.8 million.

Top travel tips

1. Unlimited bathing pleasure

Bonita Spring Public Beach is famous for its incomparable sunsets and offers sun-hungry people enough space to bathe and relax undisturbed. The multifaceted water sports offer, which leaves nothing to be desired, provides variety. Jet skis, parasailing, canoe hire, kayaking and fishing trips are just as popular as eco-tours to nearby reserves.

2. Fascinating nature park

In the south of the municipality you reach the breathtaking Barefoot Beach Reserve. The landscape conservation area offers a dreamlike park idyll and is also home to rare animals. On 342 hectares the beach park presents grape trees, mangrove swamps and tidal streams. Visitors can observe nesting sites of birds or breeding sites of sea turtles or hike on the nature trail.

3. Leisure fun for families

After a few kilometres you reach the Golisano Childrens Museum in the adjacent north of Naples, where children are introduced to scientific topics in a playful way. The exciting exhibition presents the wild nature of the Everglades, shows how a weather station works and explains how a rainbow develops. In different rooms you visit a tree nursery, a farm, an art studio or an amphitheatre.

FAQs: Vacation Rentals in Bonita Springs

How much do you pay, on average, for vacation rentals in Bonita Springs?

Last year, rentals in Bonita Springs had an annual average cost of around $288 per night.

During which months are vacation rentals cheaper in Bonita Springs?

If you want to save the maximum during your vacation to Bonita Springs, pack your bags and travel there in September ($227 per night on average), November ($253), or June ($256), to find the lowest prices for the whole year.

In which months is it more expensive to rent a vacation rental in Bonita Springs?

When it comes to looking for a vacation rental in Bonita Springs, the months that cost the most are, in order of highest to lowest, February, March and January, with average prices per night of $377, $375, and $342, respectively.

Is Bonita Springs a good location for a last-minute getaway?

When going on vacation to Bonita Springs, it is necessary to think ahead as 83% of rentals are usually booked, according to last year's data.

What time of the year can I find more available vacation rentals?

The months when it's easiest to find available accommodation in Bonita Springs are August (the average amount of properties that are free reached 37% of the total last year), September (31%), and October (30%).

When are fewer rentals available in Bonita Springs?

During this period, the availability is only 2%. It is therefore recommended to book far in advance.

How many vacation rentals are there in Bonita Springs?

In Bonita Springs we have an extensive catalog of around 200 properties, with options to suit everyone, thanks to our 12 local and international providers.