Vacation Rentals in Atlantic Highlands

Vacation Rentals in Atlantic Highlands

FAQs: Vacation Rentals in Atlantic Highlands

What was the average price for a vacation rental in Atlantic Highlands in 2020, the first year impacted by the corona crisis?

The COVID-19 pandemic heavily impacted the travel industry in 2020. Last year, rentals in this destination had an annual average price of around $486.07 per night.

Are there usually many vacation rentals available in Atlantic Highlands?

It's worthwhile if you can book your stay with plenty of time when visiting Atlantic Highlands, as only 4 % of our properties are usually available throughout the year.

What are the best months for a last-minute getaway?

In 2020, the months with the largest number of available properties of the year in Atlantic Highlands were January, July and March, with average availabilities of 20%, 13.2%, and 12.5%, respectively.

How many rentals are there in Atlantic Highlands?

Holidu works with 2 different partners to give you an inventory to choose between 20 vacation rentals we have in Atlantic Highlands.