Vacation Rentals in South Korea
FAQs: Vacation Rentals in South Korea
On average, what was the cost for vacation rentals in South Korea last year?
Based on last year, South Korea had an average price of $139 per night, a relatively high one for a country in Asia.
When are vacation rentals cheaper in South Korea?
If you want to save the maximum during your visit to South Korea, go there in September ($122 per night on average), November ($122), or June ($123), to find the lowest prices for the whole year.
In which months is it more expensive to rent a vacation rental in South Korea?
When it comes to looking for a vacation rental in South Korea, the months when it is most expensive are, in order of highest to lowest, January, February and August, with average prices per night of $165, $158, and $151, respectively.
Should I plan a trip to South Korea well in advance?
If you decide to put South Korea on your bucket list, we suggest planning your travels well in advance because it is usually very high in demand, with an annual average of 52% of rentals booked the previous year.
When are more vacation rentals available?
The months when it's easiest to find free accommodation in South Korea are February (the average amount of properties that are free reached 55% of the total last year), March (54%), and August (51%).
During which months is it more difficult to find available vacation rentals?
According to data from last year, the months when it is most difficult to find accommodation in South Korea are, in order, December (with 42% of available rentals), June (43%), and January (45%).
How many vacation rentals does Holidu have in South Korea?
In South Korea we collaborate with 3 different providers to give you a choice of 3,800 properties, so you will not be short of options!