Vacation Rentals in Punta Mita

Vacation Rentals in Punta Mita

FAQs: Vacation Rentals in Punta Mita

What is the average price for vacation rentals in Punta Mita?

With an average annual cost of $953 per night, Punta Mita is the city in Mexico where you will see the highest prices for vacation rentals.

Is it necessary to plan a trip to Punta Mita well in advance?

If you decide to put Punta Mita on your bucket list, we recommend organizing your visit long before you go because it tends to be very high in demand, with an annual average of 61% of rentals booked the previous year.

When are more vacation rentals available?

The best months to find available accommodation in Punta Mita are September (the average amount of properties that are free reached 62% of the total last year), October (50%), and April (48%).

When will it be harder to find an available vacation rental in Punta Mita?

Vacation rentals in Punta Mita reach their peak in demand in December, with an availability rate of 26%. The second most requested month is February, with 26%, and the third is March with 27%.

How many vacation rentals are there in Punta Mita?

We have collected the offers from 2 different partners in Punta Mita, so we can provide you with around 300 properties. You're going to have a hard time deciding which one to go with!