Vacation Rentals in Puerto Morelos
FAQs: Vacation Rentals in Puerto Morelos
How much does it cost to book a vacation rental in Puerto Morelos?
Considering the average cost of $257 per night, Puerto Morelos lies at the upper end of the price range for vacation rentals in Mexico.
When are vacation rentals cheaper in Puerto Morelos?
]If you are looking to get the most out of your money, the most affordable months to visit Puerto Morelos are November ($213 the average per night for accommodation), September ($221), and May ($237).
When does the price of vacation rentals in Puerto Morelos go up the most?
When it comes to looking for a vacation rental in Puerto Morelos, the most expensive months are, in order of highest to lowest, February, January and March, with average prices per night of $312, $302, and $281, respectively.
Is Puerto Morelos a good location for a last-minute getaway?
It is recommended that you book your stay well in advance when visiting Puerto Morelos, as only 50% of our properties are usually available throughout the year.
What are the best months for a last-minute getaway?
The months when it's the easiest to find available accommodation in Puerto Morelos are September (the average amount of properties that are free reached 68% of the total last year), October (64%), and August (63%).
How many rentals does Holidu have in Puerto Morelos?
We have collected the offers from 6 different providers in Puerto Morelos, so we can provide you with around 460 properties. You're going to have a hard time choosing your favorite!