Vacation Rentals in Black River
FAQs: Vacation Rentals in Black River
How much do the vacation rentals in Black River cost on average?
Last year, rentals in Black River had an annual average cost of around $158 per night.
During which months are vacation rentals cheaper in Black River?
After analyzing our data from last year, the months that hurt your pocket the least in Black River are June, September and August, with average prices of $145, $148, and $151, respectively.
During which months are vacation rentals more expensive in Black River?
When it comes to looking for a vacation rental in Black River, the months when you will pay the most are, in order of highest to lowest, January, December and February, with average prices per night of $174, $168, and $167, respectively.
Do I need to plan a trip to Black River well in advance?
Here, last-minute travelers are welcome, since the average availability in Black River is 62%, which is above average for Mauritius, based off last year.
What are the best months for a spontaneous getaway?
April, May and June are, in order of highest to lowest, the months offering the largest number of properties available, with an average availability of 73%, 73%, and 72%. During this period, you will have a wide section to choose from.
When will it be harder to find an available vacation rental in Black River?
According to data from last year, the months when it is most difficult to find accommodation in Black River are, in order, January (with 45% of available rentals), December (46%), and November (48%).
How many rentals does Holidu have in Black River?
In Black River we offer you an extensive catalog of approximately 820 properties, with options for all tastes, thanks to our 14 local and international providers.