Vacation Rentals in Roatan
FAQs: Vacation Rentals in Roatan
How much do the vacation rentals in Roatan cost on average?
With an average cost of $370 per night, Roatan lies at the upper end of the price range for vacation rentals in Honduras.
Which months allow you to save the most on vacation rentals?
If it is your aim to save as much as possible during your visit to Roatan, travel in March ($283 per night on average), August ($326), or January ($328), to find the lowest prices for the whole year.
When are vacation rentals more expensive in Roatan?
Last year, the month that showed the highest annual average prices in Roatan was December, with an average price of $484 per night. This was followed by May, with an average of $452, and then April, with $398.
Is Roatan a good location for a last-minute getaway?
If you decide to put Roatan on your bucket list, we suggest planning your travels long before you go because it is usually very high in demand, with an annual average of 46% of rentals booked the previous year.
What are the best months for a spontaneous getaway?
The months that offer the most accommodation options are, on average, September (with an availability of 75%), October (75%), and August (67%), according to the trends observed in the prior year.
When are fewer rentals available in Roatan?
According to data from last year, the months when it is most difficult to find accommodation in Roatan are, in order, February (with 28% of available rentals), January (33%), and March (39%).
How many rentals are there in Roatan?
We have 550 rentals for you in Roatan, provided by our 2 local and international partners.