Account Verification - Frequently asked questions

The upload of my documents does not work, what can I do?

  1. Make sure your documents are clear, legible, and in the correct format JPG, JPEG, PNG & PDF (maximum size up to 4 MB file), Adyen does not accept: Screenshots of ID documents.
  2. If you're still having trouble uploading, try using a different browser.
  3. If the issue persists, please reach out to our support team via the following contact form in your Holidu account.

My ID document got declined, what can I do?

Make sure that the ID is not expired and meets the following requirements:

The photo ID must:

  • Have the machine-readable zone visible (if available).
  • Be a physical photo ID document, not digital.


Passport example: Front side                          ID example: Back side

The uploaded document must:

  • Have separate files for front and back of the ID document (only when providing an ID card or driver's license).
  • Be a full-color, cropped, and straightened image.
  • Be a photo or a scan of the physical photo ID document. Adyen does not accept a screenshot of a photo, a photo pasted on another document, a photo of a device’s screen, or a photo of a printout.

Considerations for France:

The validity of French national ID cards issued between 2 January 2004 and 31 December 2013 has been extended for 5 years beyond the original expiration date. The original period of validity of these cards was set at 10 years. Following the extension, they are now valid for 15 years from the year of issue. Note that if the cardholder was under the age of 18 when the ID was issued, this extension does not apply. The extension does not apply to any other document types.

Considerations for Greece:

We recommend using your passport as an identification document.

 If you need help please use this contact form to contact us

My bank account is a joint bank account (example: marriage, business partner, etc). Can it be used for payouts?

To use a joint bank account for payouts, please provide proof that includes the names of both account holders. This is necessary for us to verify and process the payouts.

Where can I find my business registration details?

You can find your business registration on an official registration document meeting the following requirements: 

  • Issued by a reliable, independent source such as the local commercial register of the country/region where the business is registered in.
  • Must be issued within the last 12 months, or it must contain a signature and a state of affairs with a date not older than 12 months.

Before submitting any information, double-check that your business name, registration number, and other relevant details match exactly with what is on your official documents, as any discrepancies may delay the verification process.

Refer to the guide below for country-specific information on business registration. Be sure to select the appropriate format for the country in which your business is registered when submitting your details.


Company register

Business registration number = Firmenbuchnummer (e.g. FN 447538w)

Tax ID = Steuernummer (e.g. 931736581)

VAT number = Umsatzsteuer-Identifikationsnummer (e.g. ATU51507409)


Trade and company register

Business registration number = SIRET Number (e.g. 542051180-00066)

Alternative registration number for nonprofits = RNA number (e.g. W123456789)

VAT number = Numéro de TVA (e.g. FR12999999999)


Trade Register (free download of Trade Register extract possible)

Business registration number = Handelsregisternummer (e.g. HRB 154165)

Tax ID = Steuernummer (e.g. 14310260208)

VAT number = Umsatzsteuer-Identifikationsnummer (e.g. DE 115235681)


General Commercial Registry

Business registration number = GEMI number (e.g. 12345678912)

VAT number = Arithmós Forologikou Mētrṓou (ΑΦΜ) (e.g. EL123456789)


Italian business register  (subscription fee applies to view business registration numbers. However, business registration numbers are publicly available at the European e-Justice Portal.)

Business Registration number = Partita IVA or Codice fiscale (e.g. 00470400011 or ABCDEF91D08F205J) or CCIAA number (e.g. TO0091712)

VAT number = Partita IVA (e.g. IT12345678901)


Dutch Business Register of the Dutch Chamber of Commerce

Business Registration number = KVK number (e.g. KVK 81394179)

Tax ID = RSIN (e.g. 811786523)

VAT Number = Btw-nummer (e.g. NL123456789B01)


Business register

Business Registration number = Número de Identificação de Pessoa Colectiva (NIPC) (e.g. 123456789)

VAT number = Número de IVA (e.g. PT123456789)


Spanish Business Register

BusinessRegistration number = Número de Identificación Fiscal (NIF) (e.g. A39000013)

VAT Number = Número de Identificación a efectos de IVA (e.g. ESX12345678)

Which requirements does a bank account proof have to fulfill?

The following documents are accepted: 

  • Bank statements
  • Deposit tickets or deposit forms
  • Screenshots of the online banking environment
  • Official letters issued by a bank
  • Cheques

Country-specific documents: 

  • Relevé d'Identité Bancaire (RIB): bank document in France
  • TAMIEYTHPIO: bank document in Greece.

The document must show:

  • The account holder name.
  • The account holder name must match your legal entity name.
  • The account number or IBAN needs to be visible.
  • The date of issuance needs to be visible and dated less than 12 months ago (except for RIBs, cheques, or TAMIEYTHPIO).
  • An indicator that the document was issued by a bank, such as the bank name, a bank logo, or a bank-specific font.
  • If the bank account is issued under the trading (doing business as) name, it may be necessary to provide a supporting document to establish a connection between the legal entity and the trading name.

Why am I asked to log in to my Online Banking?

You can always choose if you would like to have your bank account instantly verified through Online Banking, or if you prefer to upload a Bank Account Proof. The Login to Online Banking is only used to verify that the bank account belongs to you, and the data is handled in a secure and encrypted manner. The benefit of using the Online Banking Login is that your bank account will get verified immediately. With uploading a bank statement, the verification can take up to 72 hours.

Is there a risk of me not receiving my payments?

As long as you provide us with the proper documentation, there's no risk. The personal documentation should match the bank account holder, and, in the case of being a company, the personal documentation should match the decision-makers.

What will happen with the copy of the documents I previously shared with Holidu?

When you share documents with Holidu, your data is handled in accordance with our established privacy and data security policies. These policies are designed to safeguard your information and ensure its confidentiality. If you have concerns about your data or wish to request its deletion, don't hesitate to contact us for clarification and assistance.

I don’t know this company / I don’t trust them to have my documents

We already use Adyen to make payments to you. Adyen is one of the biggest payment providers in the world. Even if you don’t know them, you’re likely already paid something - or were paid - using their services.

List of companies using Adyen:

- Holidu

- Uber

- Spotify

- McDonalds


- Airbnb

- Zara

- Flixbus

- Amadeus (the booking service behind most of the airlines)

- Vodafone

- Tesla

Will I get confirmation when I submit all the information?

Yes. Once your data gets verified, you will receive a confirmation email.

Related article:

 How to verify your Account, Payout Details and change your bank details

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