Villas in Egypt
Villas in Egypt
If you want all your life to have an interesting and unforgettable vacation, Holidu takes you to Egypt. Get to know this great country full of history and ancestral culture. Located northeast of Africa with the Middle East, it dates from the period of the pharaohs. Egypt has thousand-year-old pyramids located throughout the valley of the Nile River, among which are the great pyramids of Giza and the Great Sphinx, also the Karnak temple surrounded by hieroglyphics, in Luxor and the tombs of the Valley of the Kings. In its capital, Cairo, you find Ottoman monuments, such as the Egyptian Museum, a treasure trove of antiquities and the Mosque of Muhammad Ali.
Villas with luxurious buildingsThe villas in Egypt will blow you away, you will feel like a Hollywood film character when you are in one of these great houses in the style of Beverly Hill style. Some of their designs will take you back to Ancient Egypt, where the buildings seemed to be made of sand with vaulted ceilings. You also have all the comforts including luxuries such as a jacuzzi, terrace, swimming pool and splendid gardens. You can decide between a small and a large village. Furthermore, you will not regret being in a place loaded with a lot of ancient history and in contact with a different culture! Are you ready to enter a film world?
Travelers and activities
Visiting this majestic country is something you can do in the company of several people, especially since you can enjoy places where there is usually an agglomeration of people. First, you must go to visit the Pyramids of Giza, made up of the Great Pyramid of Cheops, Khafre, and Menkaure. No matter how many books you have read how many photos and videos you have seen, you will never be prepared for the sensation of gazing at their iconic silhouettes being this close to them. And when you are under them, and you can touch their stones of more than 4,000 years of history, it will be a magical moment for you!
Egypt for the whole familyThere will be no better place in the world to teach your children about culture and history than Egypt, you have no idea how much they can learn from their vacation in this great place. So one place you should take them is the Sphinx, the famous sculpture with the face of a man and the body of a lion. Everything indicates that it would represent Pharaoh Khafre, but there are theories in many directions, the point is that your children will be fascinated to hear these stories. Another must-see for the little ones is the Egyptian Museum in Cairo, among mummies, pharaoh treasures, statues, and a thousand and one more surprises, your children will not be astonished when they see all the customs that characterized the inhabitants of Ancient Egypt
Did you know that the country with the most pyramids in the world is not Egypt but Sudan, with more than 250 pyramids?
Top 7 travel tips in Egypt
You must know that Cairo was not always the capital of Egypt, Memphis was the first and although it is more interesting for its history than for what it offers to the visitor today, you will see a set of necropolises, pyramids, and a very interesting museum.
2. Take a Nile cruiseThe Nile cruise is usually done on the section between Luxor and Aswan. In Luxor, there are quite a few interesting visits. For example, the Temple of Luxor, dedicated to the god Amun. It is one of the best-preserved temples and has about 3,500 years of history. An incredible façade with 6 colossi of Ramses II stands out and inside, between huge columns and statues, a mosque and a chapel with paintings of the Christians who found refuge here.
3. Be sure to go to the tombs of the pharaohs in the Valley of the KingsFeel like an explorer from another time when you enter the tombs of Ramses IV, Meremptah, and Ramses IX, they are all incredible. In this same place, you can visit the tomb of Tutankhamun.
4. Things to see in AswanAs you already know Aswan is the city on the other side of the river when you cruise along the Nile. There you can get to know the Temple of Philae, walk through the streets of the market, fall in buying spices or perfumes, and smoking shisha in a cafeteria.
6. Watch the sunrise in Abu SimbelIn this place you can perceive the absolute silence lighting you up only by the dim lights of the few street lights and thousands of stars, and in front of you, centuries of history. This is certainly priceless, it may even be the best feeling you experience in Egypt.
7. Alexandria, a must-see if you go to EgyptThere are so many things to see in Egypt that it is difficult to make a list of must-see destinations, almost all of them are essential. This is also the case with Alexandria, which although today is no longer the great city that it was in the past, is certainly worth a visit. Founded in 332 BC By Alexander the Great himself, this place the largest library in the world was built, they say that it came to house all the books never written before, and the Lighthouse of Alexandria, one of the greatest infrastructure works of the past. The idea is to spend two days here, but if you only have one, there are interesting excursions from Cairo.