Houseboats in Shasta Lake

Houseboats in Shasta Lake

Other holiday ideas and property types in Shasta Lake that might be interesting

FAQs: Houseboats in Shasta Lake

Which types of facilities can you typically find at the houseboats in Shasta Lake?

In regards to the amenities offered by Holidu, it appears that the houseboats in Shasta Lake have everything that travelers desire! Here, the houseboats generally have a variety of amenities, the most popular being: view (100%), barbecue (100%), and air-conditioning (100%)...Pretty cool!

How are houseboats usually rated in Shasta Lake?

The houseboats here often receive many positive comments. 50% of the houseboats in Shasta Lake have excellent reviews and an average rating of 4.5 stars!

Are the houseboats in Shasta Lake suitable for family vacations?

Holidu's data reveals that 12% of houseboats in Shasta Lake are child-friendly, it should therefore be very easy for you to find the ideal houseboat for you and your children.

Are the houseboats in Shasta Lake suitable for travelers who wish to take their pets on vacation?

Of course! In Shasta Lake, 100% of the houseboats accept pets!

How much does it cost on average for houseboats in Shasta Lake?

Many houseboats in Shasta Lake are generally rather expensive. Based off last year, 75% are at more than $500 per night.

Do the houseboats in Shasta Lake typically have a fireplace or a pool?

For sure! According to Holidu's data, 75% of the houseboats in Shasta Lake have a fireplace. The perfect destination for a cozy winter vacation!

Are the houseboats in Shasta Lake suitable for trips with the whole family or rather for an escape as a small group?

Here, according to Holidu, 100% of houseboats welcome up to eight guests, 75% of these houseboats have at least four bedrooms. But 100% of houseboats are also suitable for up to four people, and 100% of the houseboats include at least two separate bedrooms. This is therefore the perfect destination for big and small families alike!