Condos and Apartments in Boca Raton

Condos and Apartments in Boca Raton

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FAQs: Condos and Apartments in Boca Raton

Which types of amenities can you typically find at the apartments in Boca Raton?

When looking at the facilities you can find on Holidu, it can be said that the apartments in Boca Raton contain everything that vacationers need! Here, the apartments generally include a variety of amenities, the most popular being: air-conditioning (92%), internet (89%), and pool (75%)...Amazing!

How are apartments usually rated in Boca Raton?

According to last year, most apartments in Boca Raton receive a score of fewer than 4.5 stars. It can therefore be assumed that it is not the best destination for the highest-rated apartments in the USA.

Are the apartments in Boca Raton suitable for vacations with children?

According to the Holidu database, 50% of apartments in Boca Raton are child-friendly, so you won't have any difficulty finding the ideal apartment for you and your children.

Are the apartments in Boca Raton pet-friendly?

For sure! In Boca Raton, 31% of the apartments offer the possibility for travelers to take their pets with them, 19% even have a garden!

Do the apartments in Boca Raton mostly have Wi-Fi?

Yes! Based on the last year, 89% of apartments in Boca Raton include Wi-Fi. This means that you will be able to access your emails and favorite social media sites throughout your stay!

Do the apartments in Boca Raton generally have a fireplace or a pool?

Good news! According to the last year, 75% of apartments in Boca Raton are equipped with a pool. It's the ideal destination for you to spend the summer months! In addition, 44% even have a barbecue!

Are the apartments in Boca Raton suitable for vacations with a big group or better for an escape as a small group?

According to the last year, 67% of apartments are perfect for groups of up to four travelers. Approximately 25% of the apartments here have at least two separate bedrooms. This is the ideal destination for small groups of friends!

For a luxurious vacation in Boca Raton, are Apartments a good idea?

Some apartments are, but others aren't as luxurious. So if you are looking for that special accommodation, don't delay in making a reservation because only 75% have a pool, while 92% have air conditioning none have a sauna.

Do the apartments in Boca Raton have a beautiful view?

39% of apartments have a balcony or terrace, and 25% have a view, but since this does not represent the majority so availability can be limited. If this is important to you, you should anticipate a bit more time for research, and use the filters to be sure to find the apartment perfect for you. However, if you like to eat your meals in nature, and especially if you like barbecues,44% of the apartments are equipped with them.

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